Rolf Method

Movement education and hands-on soft tissue work are highly successful when done with Rolfing® Structural Integration.

I work with your body's innate tendencies through a series of sessions, addressing compensating behaviors related to sports and job, accidents, trauma, repetitive movement, modern sedentary lifestyle, etc. I will collaborate with you to open, soften, lengthen, and balance soft tissue constraints all over your body during your Rolf sessions.

Rolfing Practicioner in Spokane focuses on the Rolf Method

What to Expect From Rolf Method Sessions

Less discomfort, less stress, more comfort, improved posture, more flexibility, ease of movement, increased body awareness, and increased self-awareness are all possible outcomes.

The Rolf Method Includes Your Whole Body

Your body is made up of a smooth network of connective tissue called fascia, which plays a crucial role in how your body adjusts to the experiences and activities in your daily life. Typically, localized discomfort is a component of a systemic pattern affecting the entire body. I work with the patterns of connectivity that run throughout your entire body as a Rolf method practitioner.

Our bodies have great reasons for doing what they do

Human bodies are ever-changing. They use chairs and tight shoes, little mobility, a lot of screen time, high levels of daily stress, and other coping mechanisms to deal with the wounds, shocks, and losses of life. Your body employs tension carefully as one of its support and defense mechanisms. I know it's critical to keep in mind that our bodies haven't failed, even as we strive for greater comfort and ease in your body.  Because of your body's amazing capacity for adaptation, the Rolf method can help you achieve greater comfort and functionality.

Rolfing includes your whole self

Through profound self-connection, understanding, and alignment with your greater sense of purpose and actual needs, the Rolf method helps you connect to yourself on a very deep level.

Some things that Rolfing isn't:

It's not a painful massage. I frequently make firm, consistent contact, but I also constantly approach my touch with care, tenderness, and curiosity. I am interested in learning about your body's experiences both in real life and during the session. I use touch to listen for your body's reaction and modify pressure and pacing accordingly. This makes a big difference in producing an encounter that your body actually enjoys and desires.

You will still have tasks to complete after your Rolf sessions. It is our collective lifetime duty to actively prioritize and take action to maintain the integrity of our bodies.

Some details about receiving the work

Although some see me for more or fewer sessions, most clients have ten to fifteen sessions. Each Rolfing session is unique, and the method builds upon itself. The cumulative effect of the sessions may result in notable and long-lasting adjustments. In one to three sessions, you ought to be able to determine early on whether the Rolf method is a good fit for you.

You will lie on the table for most of each session. Occasionally, I may have you sit or move around while I work with you. I prefer to have access to your skin and to be able to observe your body during the session. Women can choose to wear shorts and a tank top or a bra and panties. Men ought to dress comfortably in boxer briefs or shorts.

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